06 Mar. 24

5 Essential Tips for Keeping Your Drains Clog-Free

Since the drainage system is mainly out of sight, most homeowners forget their drains until something goes wrong. Although a professional plumber can quickly and effectively remedy most drain problems, calling in plumbing professionals repeatedly can be a hassle. At Plumbing Doctor, LLC, we know the inconveniences and damage a severely clogged drain can cause, so we’re here to help you avoid these situations. In this article, we’ll share five handy drain maintenance tips to help you keep your drains working effectively year-round.

Watch What Goes Down the Drain

Your drains and sewer pipes are built to handle human waste and water. Flushing items like sanitary napkins, paper towels, diapers, feminine hygiene products, food particles, grease, hair, and other items can cause major clogs in your plumbing.

Install Drain Guards

Drain guards help prevent hair, soap scum, food particles, and other debris from getting into your drains. They come in different types and sizes and are readily available in local hardware stores. If you are unsure which one to pick, our plumbing professionals can help. You should always clean them when they come filled with debris to maintain proper water flow.

Avoid Chemical Cleaners 

When dealing with a slow-flowing drain, you can become tempted to pour chemical cleaners to dislodge the obstruction and restore normal water flow. However, these products have harsh chemicals that can damage your pipes and present health risks to your family. Instead, use natural ingredients, such as vinegar and baking soda, to clear your drains.

Use the Right Plunger

When you encounter a blocked drain, the first thing that crosses your mind is to use a plunger to dislodge the clog. Although effective and safe, it will only work if you have the right plunger.

A cup plunger works effectively on flat surfaces like bathtubs and sinks. It forms a vacuum seal over the drain and pulls the water and debris from the inside. In contrast, a flange plunger features an extension at the end to fit nicely into toilet drains, making it easy to create the needed suction to remove a clog. If plunging doesn’t do the trick, you may need a more thorough approach, like professional hydrojetting or drain snaking.

Invest in Professional Drain Cleaning Services

For massive clogs, it’s best to enlist professional drain cleaning services. Removing the clog can worsen the situation, particularly if you don’t have the proper training and tools. Meanwhile, a professional can do the job right and ensure the problem will not recur anytime soon, saving you money and time. 

Taking care of your drains is crucial for keeping your plumbing in pristine condition. By following these five tips, you can avoid serious problems and emergencies.